
Meet Our Philanthropy Vice President
Hi, my name is Sutton Tyner, and I am honored to be serving as the Philanthropy Vice President for the Zeta Xi chapter of Alpha Xi Delta!
As a chapter, our hearts for our philanthropy come from a desire to serve our community in a unique way: aiding and supporting local foster children and families in any way we can! We have had the joy of partnering with the BigHouse Foundation, a local organization here in Auburn that comes alongside foster children and families to best support them in times of need. Through a number of different service opportunities and hands-on experiences, we have been able to build lasting relationships and support local foster families in the surrounding area. Through events like Glitz, Glam, and Gowns or our annual Pickleball tournament, our sisters have been able to truly come alongside our local foster families in meaningful ways. These experiences have quickly become some of our sisters’ most treasured memories and friendships that will have lasting impacts long after their time at Auburn.
As Philanthropy VP, I have had the privilege to witness these experiences firsthand, see the servant-hearted ways our sisters serve the local community, and watch friendships truly come to life in ways that I never thought I would experience. Our philanthropy has become one of the most special parts of our chapter, and I cannot wait to continue to watch it flourish this year!
XOXI, Sutton Tyner

Glitz & Glam & Gowns
Glitz, Glam, and Gowns is a two-part event consisting of a donation drive along with an event for girls grades 9th-12th who are in the foster care system, have been adopted out of the system, or are a biological daughters of a family who fosters. These girls are welcomed into the Alpha Xi Delta chapter room where they will get to try on and pick out any dress, shoes, or accessories that were donated by the women of the Auburn Panhellenic community. Our hope for this event is that every girl will feel beautiful and special as they enter the spring formal dance season.
Letters of Love
The Zeta Xi chapter of Alpha Xi Delta founded the Letters of Love campaign in 2010. All Alpha Xi Delta chapters across the country now participate in this campaign to benefit our individual philanthropic efforts. The mission of Letters of Love is to inform family and friends of our personal stories and connections to our philanthropy. Our chapter conducts a letter writing campaign as well as an online giving campaign to collect tax deductible donations to benefit our philanthropic organization. Our Letters of Love campaign kicks off in October and closes in December. During the 2020-2021 academic year, sisters we able to raise over $80,000 on behalf of our philanthropic partner. We are also very proud to say that we were the top fundraising Alpha Xi Delta chapter for the Letters of Love campaign.